GTNF 2023
Sepember 19th-21st
Seoul, South Korea
Accorto is proud to be sponsoring this year’s annual Next Generation Nicotine Delivery conference in Miami, Florida USA. This conference brings together key members of the nicotine industry, including business owners, industry stakeholders, and government regulators to discuss the biggest challenges and opportunities in the sector.
This year, the two-day conference will be addressing both technical and strategic innovations impacting the nicotine industry and how businesses can continue to grow under the current regulatory standards. Attendees will also learn about the current regulatory landscape, gain insight into the latest harm reduction nicotine technology, and discover key innovation in the space.
On day one of the conference, our Chief Science Officer, Dr. Vince Angelico, will be presenting: Nicotine Addiction: Politics, The Media, Regulation, and Science
This presentation will focus on nicotine addiction and how this significant population health issue is being impacted by newly deemed tobacco product regulations. This presentation will explore how the tobacco industry, deeply ingrained political agendas, and the media are shaping the regulatory framework and impacting if and how less harmful products get to market and the public’s perception of the relative safety of these products. In a country where progressive themes seem to be pervasive, what is preventing a more progressive approach to nicotine addiction? What does the current pathway to a marketing order look like for a newly deemed product and how does this pathway compare to the current pathway for tradition tobacco products and other products that the Agency regulates?
Join us at Next Generation Nicotine Delivery 2023 June 28th to learn more!
Accorto is excited to be attending this year’s annual Global Tobacco Nicotine Forum (GTNF) conference in Seoul, South Korea. GTNF is the worlds’s leading annual conference discussing the future of the tobacco and nicotine industries.
The GTNF brings together global viewpoints and ideas from public health experts, government representatives, industry stakeholders and investors. Since 2008, this conference has annually traveled the globe to promote dialogue and encourage innovative discussion, shaping the future of this regulated product space; and this year is no different.
Our team is thrilled to have the opportunity to attend this highly anticipated event, join in the discussion, and collaborate with other industry representatives on the current regulatory opportunities and challenges that face this product space on a global scale.

Who’s In Attendance:
Tom Beaudet, CEO
Co-Founder and CEO of Accorto, Tom is a seasoned executive with 35 years experience in manufacturing of regulated components in the med device, cosmetic and tobacco industries, with multinational experience in North and South America, Europe and Asia.
As CEO of Accorto Regulatory Solutions, Tom manages and directs our team in our primary mission of helping small to mid-size companies bring their regulated products to market and maintain compliance throughout the product lifecycle.
Let’s Chat!
Would you like to meet with us in Korea? Schedule a meeting here: