FDA Clarifies Purpose of Deficiency Letters Related to Premarket Review of Tobacco Product Applications

FDA Clarifies Purpose of Deficiency Letters Related to Premarket [...]

By |2022-01-14T13:43:59-05:00June 3, 2021|News, PMTA, Regulatory|Comments Off on FDA Clarifies Purpose of Deficiency Letters Related to Premarket Review of Tobacco Product Applications

Clarification on General Enforcement Discretion Related to Sept. 9 Premarket Tobacco Applications

Clarification on General Enforcement Discretion Related to Sept. 9 [...]

By |2022-01-14T13:47:12-05:00May 5, 2021|News, PMTA, Regulatory|Comments Off on Clarification on General Enforcement Discretion Related to Sept. 9 Premarket Tobacco Applications
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